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Late born fawns show a direct correlation with improper buck to doe ratios and an overall entirely to large a deer herd. It normally takes fawns that are born late almost 2 1/2 years to catch up body/skeletal system wise fawns that are born on a normal schedule


PredaTorch.com         Hot Estrous Doe and Other Deer Scent, Night Predator Lights


last week the pics were takin


Holy Crap!!!! Are they late.....


Good thing is momma got them through the winter. Is that the pine barrens?


PredaTorch.com         Hot Estrous Doe and Other Deer Scent, Night Predator Lights



Holy Crap!!!! Are they late.....


Good thing is momma got them through the winter. Is that the pine barrens?


yes its the pines. they look about half the size of the other fawns i have been seeing.



yes its the pines. they look about half the size of the other fawns i have been seeing.


I think Im more amazed a yote or dog didn't get them. Jersey fawns aren't very big to begin with. They cant be more than 20-30 pounds? Look in the 4th pic down at the fawn on the left. See it nipping the bud/browse. A normal deer needs 3-4 POUNDS a day of that to survive. Can you imagine trying to nip 3-4 pounds of browse a day in that habitat? They are truly amazing animals


PredaTorch.com         Hot Estrous Doe and Other Deer Scent, Night Predator Lights


A lot of green briar in jersey they will eat it in the winter.I have seen quite a few small deer .late in the year but they are really small for march.

Hunting and fishing is not a sport to me its a way of life:rock:


A lot of green briar in jersey they will eat it in the winter.I have seen quite a few small deer .late in the year but they are really small for march.


Deer will definitely eat green briar although its not native or preferred. Im actually surprised your dcnr hasn't tried burns there with some type of tree or shrub plantings. I know they do burns, but what usually sprout after burns are striped maple then oak which takes longer. Deer will hit the oak before maple though wiping it out before it has a chance.


I like what your dcnr did in north jersey with the autumn olive. Its everywhere now. All it takes is a couple bushes and then birds mainly turkey and grouse as well as bear feed on the berries spreading it through their droppings. It makes for good browse though once they take hold


PredaTorch.com         Hot Estrous Doe and Other Deer Scent, Night Predator Lights


Autumn olive is invasive as hell and have never seen it browsed.I ripped a ton of it out at my cabin as a forester suggested and do some.hinge cutting in the winter for them mostly maple.I planted 75 whit oak trees that were given to me 3 years ago from the forester and I am suprised that most of the made it so far.I think I only lost 12 trees so far and the rest are growing at a pretty good clip.I also planted some saw tooth oak and the grow fast as hell I put them in at 3 feet tall and the tallest one is about 11 feet in 2 years.I give up with fruit trees anymore the bears destroy them fenced not fenced this one bear is a pain in the Ass.And never around come hunting season.I came out of my cabin on night last summer and caught him trying to climb in the .open window of my truck to get a empty arbys bag haha.Called the game commision a million times trap him and they tried for a month with no sucess.

Hunting and fishing is not a sport to me its a way of life:rock:


I actually have seen deer browse autumn olive if they have poor browse to choose from already. I think I like it because of the other species that hit it hard. it is invasive and non native.

Its hard to get oak to grow if the deer pop. is high. You must have decent natural browse around your camp if deer aren't hitting it hard. It has to reach a height of around 6-7' to get away from deer. Have you tried copping some oaks and see what kind of regeneration you get from the stumps?


PredaTorch.com         Hot Estrous Doe and Other Deer Scent, Night Predator Lights

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