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12/20/2024 - NJ Woods & Water Christmas Dinner at Pub199! Click here to RSVP! ×

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Seems he lost control of the boat and treed it lol. No one was hurt but his pride and somehow they yanked it back in the water and he drove offf. Ive fished Bugs Island and thats about the dirtiest water I have ever seen. But that water right there I would suspect you have to hit the fish in the head. Looks like coffee.

Sent from my flip phone with the big buttons so I can see them


wow..bad day for Ike..thats crazy

Hey, I once got handed down underwear and a paperclip for Christmas, and it was a great gift. - Si


Ouch! That's gonna leave a mark



"I am the MacGyver of cooking. If you bring me a piece of bread, cabbage, coconut, mustard greens, pigs feet, pine cones...and a woodpecker, I'll make you a good chicken pot pie." — Si Robertson


Looks like an expensive mistake

Over the years the US has sent many of its fine young men & women into great peril to fight for freedom beyond our borders. The only amount of land we have ever asked for in return, is enough to bury those that did not return. COLIN POWELL





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