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12/20/2024 - NJ Woods & Water Christmas Dinner at Pub199! Click here to RSVP! ×

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Wish I had that last night when the patrol car ran over my iPhone..completely destroyed I can barely see what I'm typing right now..thank god for insurance tho..otter box it is from now on even tho I'm not sure it would have helped

Hey, I once got handed down underwear and a paperclip for Christmas, and it was a great gift. - Si


It is about a 1/2 longer and 3/8 wider and deeper...


Sound is affected by the case.. Loudest ringtone is cut in half. Phone ear speaker is somewhat affected but not that bad.... Seems very solid... The lanyard is a nice addition...


http://www.lifeproof.com/shop/us_en/iphone-5/. I bought the lifeproof case for my iPhone 5. It's water proof, shock proof, anti scratch, etc... It was 80$ and its not much bigger than the phone itself. So far it's worked great. It was in stock at the sprint store I went to.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson




I signed up back in October for it... Got the early release email last Monday and ordered ASAP.. Delivered yesterday!



UPDATE.... Sound is just terrible with this case... Too much volume lost while talking the phone.. I am sending the case back to OB for a refund...


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