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My boss sent me a video of a spotted fawn wandering around by itself yesterday on his property.  He said that it was probably a month old, maybe 6 weeks.  Even if it was 2 months old, that means mama was bred in March.  I see them in September and well in to October all the time, but never in November or December.  Has anyone ever seen a little spotted fawn this late in the year?


I've seen antlered bucks chasing hot does in April, anything is possible.  That poor little sucker is gonna have a hard time surviving the winter unless there's a real good food source available, Momma is still alive and cranking out some good milk, and the weather is not too brutal.  


Yea October is the latest I have seen a full spotted fawn.  The little one has a lot against him.



He said that he didn't see mama around, but that doesn't mean that she wasn't nearby.  The winter might certainly do him in.  Or the hungry yotes.  I know he has some cams up on the property too. I wonder if he'll ever see it again


Will be interesting.  The one I saw in October was when we had that bad snowstorm the day before Halloween.  I never did see the fawn again.  Not sure what happened but when they are born I believe they are born with a spring and summer coat so I would think it might even freeze to death.  



I've seen antlered bucks chasing hot does in April, anything is possible.  That poor little sucker is gonna have a hard time surviving the winter unless there's a real good food source available, Momma is still alive and cranking out some good milk, and the weather is not too brutal.  

Craziest thing I've seen was a shed buck (yes shed antlers not broke off) mount and breed a doe in a field in March. Watched him following her around and then she stopped and let him do his business and send it home at the end. Crazy 


I've been watching a year and a half old 4 point in my woodlot dogging a young of the year doe all day today.  She was obviously a spotted fawn just a couple months ago and is now coming into estrus and will breed to him in the next few hours or a day or so.  Any biologist will tell you that if a doe enters estrous regardless of time of year, a buck will breed to her.  Doesn't mean the fawn(s) will survive long term, but Mother Nature always has a way of balancing herself.  That said, I've seen spotted fawns as late as November, but none later that I can recall.   


I thought January was the last month the does came into estrous.  Everything I've read says the photoperiod or shortening of days triggers the beginning of estrus and hardening of antlers and the lengthening of days makes the antlers fall off and stops estrus. 

I guess anything is possible like an antlered doe.  But it is not normal for fawns to be born after early July and make it through winter.   Natural selection is still at play in the wild and it should be to keep populations somewhat healthy, notwithstanding the lack of predators in some areas.  Winter cold can be deadly young and old deer. 

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