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gobblergetter last won the day on February 20

gobblergetter had the most liked content!

About gobblergetter

  • Birthday 09/29/1958

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  • County, State
    Warren County, New Jersey
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  1. 12ga. Browning Gold 3 1/2" and Long Beard 5s. But the most fun is......
  2. I use it Works great, I hunt everyday during turkey season, rain or shine. If I do see a tick on my clothes it is staggering around and soon falls off
  3. Happy Birthday +1 Hope it was a good one
  4. I've called in 12 toms in the last 8 days. You should see the look on their faces when they realize it's not a hen .
  5. Sound like a good place to trap mink. (Wink-wink)
  6. Mid 60's Almost all Grey fox Very few red fox. No coyotes Picture of my grandfather and the other original state trappers
  7. Yes. The problem is, do they remain serious after they discover girls don't really have cooties.
  8. Every class has a few youngsters, more and more woman, and some oldtimers who are now retired and wanting to get back into it. The majority is middle aged 20-40. I have asked pasted groups why they want to trap. Is it for the fur market? Is it to reduce raccoon on your corn pile ? Is it to control nest raiders and reduce predators ? Fur market gets The LEAST amount of hands!
  9. How long are we gonna beat on this dead horse. If you really wanna make a difference... Do Something . Become A Trapper !
  10. Where did you say this was ?
  11. I was satisfied with the prices I received, considering the present market. My cat fetched $85.00
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