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    The 2024 Turkey season is right around the corner here in NJ!  Come join the site and share some of your trailcam pics and hunting success pics with the other members!   Have a question on hunting, fishing or trapping in NJ?  Create a topic and our members will help get you on the right track!  And always keep your eyes open for our Giveaways where members have a FREE chance to win a prize! 

    Good luck this season, stay safe and shoot straight! :up: :up: :up:


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  1. Past hour
  2. I think it is geometrically impossible to enter above the spine and scratch the lung on the other side unless you go through the spine and then deer is down anyway.
  3. Congrats!! And more importantly, great to hear about the recovery 👍🏼
  4. Wow!! Congrats Jake!! Incredible story and glad you are feeling better from the baseball injury!!
  5. Are these available? Interested purchasing them. Could you ship them, with shipping cost added in.
  6. You should see what it is on heavy equipment. We go through 100’s of gallons per day
  7. Busy gas stations empty their tanks very quickly so I’m not sure what is your point. Believe me I think the summer bland is unnecessary but again I don’t get your point. They don’t get delivery until the tank is almost on E
  8. Thanks for the info. When are they typically just north of the water gap? I'd be fishing somewhere between Dingmans bridge and the water gap
  9. Nice bird, congratulations!
  10. They are all the way up into NY waters
  11. Congrats . Nice Tom . prayers for complete recovery . .
  12. how far up the Delaware have the shad come so far? I've never gone shad fishing before and I'm looking to give it a shot
  13. My gasoline expenses from last year for my business was over $10,000. Can't imagine what it's going to be this year. And customers are wondering why things cost so much.
  14. What a great story and a big congrats to Jake!
  15. Today
  16. No but some stations like wawa get a delivery every 8 hours or so
  17. correct.....if your below the bridge go on a weekday non stocking day....otherwise its packed. Personally I only catch and release and love that part of the stream.....I also think the catch and release crowd is more courtous.....giving space etc.
  18. Any pics inside the chest cavity? Or ribs with skin off?
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